Digital Archive

mightyZAP, the micro linear servo actuating solution for the era of the 4th industrial revolution

Digital Archive

Digital Archive

D7, D12, L12 Servo Series Actuators

Total 35
Number Title Author Date Votes Views
[User Manual - L12/D12/D7 Position Control] Mini Linear Servo Motor mightyZAP User Manual - Ver3.2 [Updated January 11th, 2023]
zaqwert7 | 2019.07.22 | Votes 0 | Views 5007
zaqwert7 2019.07.22 0 5007
[Must Read] Important Note for mightyZAP
daniel | 2018.06.29 | Votes 0 | Views 3579
daniel 2018.06.29 0 3579